Insight to Help You Plan for and Complete a Yard Landscaping Project With Sand

Posted on: 16 July 2021

Sand in your landscaping projects can provide a great medium to add to and supplement areas of your yard landscaping to improve the soil and its use and to also create hardscaping and other paving additions. However, when you are planning a project with sand, make sure you handle the project from start to finish with the right delivery, set up, and management of the sand materials. Here are some recommendations to help you with your upcoming landscaping project and sand delivery.

Calculate Your Sand Needs

Sand can be used in your landscaping in a variety of ways and purposes. Sand provides good drainage, stable foundations, and can be used to strengthen a concrete mixture for the right texture, so there are many projects you can finish with a load delivery of sand. Find out what projects you are going to complete, then look at how much sand you will need. You can order sand by the cubic metre, truckload or tonne, based on how much you need. For a small project, you may consider buying the sand pre-bagged from a local shop. Otherwise, a landscaping material supplier can provide it to you in bulk.

If you are amending your soil with sand to lighten its clay levels, this will add absorbency into the soil to help keep moisture in the soil and help plants use and absorb the moisture. Look at the area of your soil and calculate the sand needed to cover the area with a light layer which you can till in. Or, for a project to install pavers, you will need a layer of level sand below the pavers then extra to spread between the pavers to keep them installed securely. 

Arrange For Transport

As you are ordering your load of sand, also check into your options for its delivery. If you have the transportation, you can pick up your sand on a trailer or in the bed of a pickup. Otherwise, ask about a delivery service for your sand order. The provider can usually deliver it to your property and deposit it within your work area to make it easy to access and spread around. 

You may also find out about the installation of the sand over your yard with, for example, a soil amendment project. A local landscaper can use their machinery to spread and level the sand over your soil and combine it into the existing soil to provide you with improved drainage and soil quality for your yard.


Easy to use garden supplies

My grandparents were always eager gardeners, but over time, between Nana's poor eyesight and Grandpa's arthritis, they are finding it harder and harder do the normal jobs in the garden. I am always on the lookout for easy to use garden supplies to give to them as Christmas and birthday gifts, and I keep a track of the ideas I find here on this blog, so I can share my gift ideas with friends and family as well. It's great to be able to see my grandparents back in the garden, hanging out and having a great time together again.

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